The Focus and Intention of Black Barn Owl
Black Barn Owl is a community platform centered around promoting the advancement of Soulaan women and the general development of a healthier relationship between our beautiful Earth and ourselves, the human beings who live here. Soulaan refers to the descendants of the courageous survivors of American chattel slavery, commonly known as Black Americans. This community is intended to provide you with a protected space where you can brainstorm and roleplay Afro and eco futuristic ideas with others that are interested in healing our present and future.
My goal is to encourage you to think more critically about our relationship with the natural world and develop a deeper sense of empathy and consideration for those of our own human species and the many other lifeforms that live alongside us on our mother Earth. We only have one home planet and we have the capacity and natural inclination to live more harmoniously within nature. Cultivating a better understanding of the complex natural world we live in and all of the lifeforms that we share these lands and seas with can alter one’s perspective on life. Much of the time, we are neither encouraged to nor are we afforded the opportunity to venture beyond the edges of our framed reality, neither physically or mentally.
Being able to imagine and experience that which lies beyond the boundaries of our perception of life can transform our reality into something more expansive and inclusive. It is like hopping from one dimension to another, only with a lot of intention and physical work in the middle. Your creative ability is immeasurable and is limited only by what you choose to believe. We all come here for a reason with a purpose, no matter how big or small. Our very existence in this world is a miracle that we frequently take for granted due the collective stress that we are under globally. We only get to experience our lives as we are once, and this time should be made as purposeful and enriching as possible, and what is possible is what we create.
A Natural Way of Living
The fundamental components of every aspect of human civilization and technological advancement have been and continue to be sourced from the natural world in one way or another. That includes advancements that have been made in medical and digital technology. By cultivating growth and restoration among biological systems, we as humans can continue to grow and develop without fear of exhausting the natural resources that we depend on to live, thrive, and evolve. The Earth is not dying, but she is tired of our foolishness and irresponsibility toward her. Increasing unsustainable infrastructure is gradually encroaching on more and more of the natural terrains internationally.
While some may have you believe that we are destroying the Earth, we are in reality little more than a period of illness that will be quickly recovered from in the time of the cosmos. Our choice lies in whether we wish our future generations to be part of it or not. What is the world that you fantasize about for your children? For your grandchildren? I do not believe that this is the time to stop creating families if that is what you desire to do within your lifetime. The Earth is not overpopulated, the true problem lies in the maldistribution of wealth and resources globally due to ongoing colonization and the narcissistic ego driven wars wrought throughout history.
People that have lost touch with the natural world have also lost touch with the importance of protecting and preserving the forests, waters, and wildlife that live alongside us. We too live within the Earth and are a part of it and everything we do as societies can either harm or benefit our planet. Any efforts that benefit the natural world are also a direct benefit to the humans in the world. Being removed from the natural world has also created a sense of otherness and even fear of it in more deeply developed areas of the world. This colonial attitude toward our planet is in direct correlation to the prevalent patriarchal disregard of the divine feminine, women, and feminine people.
We are not and have never been at war with Earth and thus have no reason to hold on to detrimental attitudes and beliefs about our own natural home planet, the lifeforms that reside within it, and especially one another as a single species who have the ability to bring monumental change to our shared reality that would lead us to a more harmonious future. Big things start small, as small as planting a tree seedling, and have the potential to grow into something larger than life. It is possible for us to live in our modern reality with our modern conveniences in ways that would encourage the conservation of natural resources and protection of ecosystems. Like every other living being on Earth, our survival depends on the preservation of the complex biological systems that maintain a balance in the environments that we live in.
Importance of Afro Women
The future of the healing of humanity is intrinsically tied with the healing and nurturing of Afro women. This is the human that we all descend from, yet this is the human that is the most disparaged in much of the world. African and Afro women are the prototype of humanity and are endlessly sought after by foreign civilizations as well as the men of their own communities for their labor, attention, energy, validation, and creation ability. Historically, Afro women have fearlessly led the charge toward change and societal evolution.
Despite the fact that many movements of social progress were inspired by the labor and work done by Afro American women and queer people, the results of these efforts are often enjoyed by everyone. Afro women are the most imitated people in the world, with Soulaan women being the most popular and capitalized worldwide. Despite this deep fascination, Afro women continue to face consistent pathological inequity throughout this age of humanity.
It is abundantly clear that Afro women are valuable and necessary for the growth of human development, however instead of suppressing her, she must be uplifted and allowed the full freedom of her expression in safety and peace. By acknowledging the humanity and vulnerability of the Afro woman you will inevitably be forced to acknowledge the humanity and vulnerability of all other humans. Afro women must be allowed the space and time needed to recuperate and regenerate from generations of trauma in order to move forward toward a positive future.
Lack of Empathy and Compassion
The general reaction that you might receive from bringing emotions and feelings into conversations is highly indicative of the attitude that people have been socialized to have toward concepts associated with the feminine. You will often hear that there is no place for emotions and all things must be done through a logical and robotic process. Little do many of us humans realize that our very connection to our emotions and intuition have been stifled and highly regulated by oppressive institutions that are harmful to humanity and Earth. The combination of destructive colonial and patriarchal systems have taken a deep toll on life on Earth. Entire civilizations of humans and species of beautiful plants and animals have gone extinct from the path of death that has been carved behind us.
Modern patriarchal power structures have normalized apathy and de-spiritualized the divine masculine into a low parasitic entity. It seems that men have a difficult time defining what manhood is independent of the divine feminine and the woman. In order for this system to be upheld, the masculine must collectively believe that they are granted a divine or natural rulership over the feminine. In order to uphold this belief, the masculine becomes defined only through domination over the feminine, and the feminine loses all cosmic attributes in order to be dominated.
The existence of the patriarchy relies on the death of the divine feminine and the adoption of a manufactured counterfeit of practical function in its stead. Empathy is simply the ability to comprehend another person’s feelings and emotions from that person’s perspective. Compassion, one other hand, is the ability to have sympathy or concern for the wellbeing of other people. They are both tied into the ability to see and think outside of oneself and display conscious awareness of the reality of another human being. Despite the simplicity of these concepts, they are currently two of the most controversial and threatening concepts to many modern civilizations. Those in positions of power that seek to control populations know that social conflict and division is one of the greatest forms of distraction that can be employed.
As unbelievable as it may sound, universal love is our greatest weapon and is the answer to relinquishing our fears. We would quite literally be much happier if we were all more empathetic and compassionate toward one another and the struggles that we each face. However, it is with determined indifference that we regard one another despite the fact that we as human beings crave closeness and relationships and bonds with others. We have been beguiled by the manipulations of religions, oppressive systems, and corporate powers, whose histories and roots run deeper than we could ever know, into an intergenerational lifelong competition with one another on individual, civil, and national scales that is to the detriment of everyone.
Fear Of Her Magic
Oppressive power systems are built upon the energy of fear and the feeling of social inadequacy. The acceptance of the advancement of Afro women will in turn evolve into the acceptance and advancement of all of humanity. Afro women are endlessly creative and innovative, and have been and continue to be the root of many human cultures that have evolved over the course of human evolution.
In a power structure, it is imperative to maintain strict dominion over those that pose the greatest threat to you, lest the foundation of the structure be compromised. Afro women have existed throughout the entire human timeline and have the ability to create anew in the midst of destruction and uncertainty. The autonomy and independence of Soulaan women in particular is incessantly treated as a taboo concept that should be shunned and silenced. Through ongoing collective interference, devaluation, and mimicry, we have been stripped of our identity as well as our very humanity over the course of generations by those who seek to harness our abilities.
In general, the wild spiritual nature of the woman has been stifled more than anything on this Earth throughout human history. Men have a tendency to be religious and women have a tendency to be spiritual as is reflected in the essence of the divine feminine and masculine. Religion tends to be backed by order, dogmas, and fear of deficiency, while spirituality is based in intuition, introspection, and clear direct communication. Religions can be beneficial as tools to reach higher spiritual awareness, but can be limiting if we base our spiritual awareness on a rigid set of principles that may in reality be based in human culture.
Despite the despair that abrahamic religions have blanketed the world with, forms of spirituality untethered by systems continue to be condemned, not due to their deviance, but due to their inability to be regulated and controlled. Highly spiritual people are known to be less motivated by the novelties of materialism and are more aware of our higher oneness. Women have accomplished unbelievable feats while dragging the weight of their unspoken social restrictions. Imagine what women would be capable of if we trusted in our own intuition, sought validation only within ourselves, and set ourselves free from invisible weights.
Ultimately, all things must exist in balance, including the forces of the divine feminine and masculine energies that exist in all things in various layers in our universe. Any energy system out of balance is inevitably doomed to fail and collapse upon itself. Throughout history, men have been exalted for expressing the dark aspects of the masculine and women have been tormented and slaughtered for so much as tapping into feminine darkness.
Afro women have a particular ability to harness and balance both the feminine and masculine energies that exist within us all. Men will often gaslight women by calling them hyper masculine for simply trying to survive in this world when in fact it is they who are afflicted with the condition. I have heard many arguments and justifications of men attempting to subdue and subjugate the wild nature of the divine feminine both in nature and in society. The irony is that this system of power and dominion also harms men and boys throughout their lives. They have been taught that the detriments of patriarchal oppression and dehumanized masculinity are to be blamed on women and girls instead of themselves.
We must also bring balance to our ability to give and receive. Many of us have been conditioned only to give and take very little, and others have been taught to take as much as they can and give very little. The corruption of this concept of giving and receiving has thrown much of humanity into a long term state of survival. This is not a natural state for any lifeforms to be in and directly contribute to the deterioration of the inner world or your personal universe. Truly, only love and acceptance of our own selves and compassion for those outside of ourselves will dissolve the corruption and negativity polluting our environments and minds.